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The Doll-Master
83745-135265-doll-master large
Biographical Information


Cause of Death


Killed By

Mister Rictus

The Doll-Master has a wife, two beautiful young daughters, a house in the suburbs, and wears a bow tie. He's the most docile, kind-hearted, well-spoken gentleman you're likely to meet. You'd be proud to have him as your neighbor. Too bad he's also one of the most nefarious super-criminals the world has ever seen. The Doll-Master combines an uncanny knack for micro-mechanics with a Gepetto-like love for his "babies" that's definitely three steps over the line of creepy and borders on the insane. His smile is halfway between "kindly old uncle" and "pedophile." He is indeed the master of his doll-like automatons...but these babies are killing machines that can rend the flesh from your bones. He'll order his dolls to fillet a man, but he never swears in front of children. He'll blow up a bank killing dozens..but always leaves the toilet seat down for his wife. And if so much as a tiny tear appears in his dolls' suits, he'll lovingly stitch it up himself. He is the master of his puppets...but they pull the strings of his heart.


Eventually, Doll-Master's life was blown apart. Mister Rictus and his gang had already raped and killed his family when they got to him and showed him the pictures. Before they tried to kill him, they asked if he had any last words. These last words (as he turned to his dolls) were

"Boys, I want you to kill these motherfuckers".

But even his dolls could not save him, Rictus and his gang blew up the house successfully killing both the dolls and their master.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Doll-master is very similar to the DC comics villain the Toy Man, power-wise. Doll-master has complete control over a pack of killing toy dolls which will follow his every command willfully as well as other gadgets. Although they seem to have a mind of their own, such as when one of the dolls flips off Mr. Rictus.